So I got my braces on a couple hours ago and mind you, it was VERY traumatizing. Let me start from the beginning. I went in and they took off my spacers. Then the dentists assistant started to TRY ON my molar bands. She didn't even have them ready. So she kept putting in one and then another and then another. My lower left molar, the one all the way in the pack was the problem. The band wouldn't go in so she kept pushing down. Since she couldn't do it she called and the doctor. Wanna hear what the doctor said? She said the things you don't want to hear "hmm the is strange it won't go in" then she scrunched up her face. At that point I got scared 'cause I realized I was dealing with a bunch of idiots. After all the molar bands were put in with glue they put on some small circular things. Once again my lower left molar 'caused problems. It would not stop bleeding. Then the stupid dentist assistant cut the roof of my mouth. Finally all my molar bands were put in The lady got this REALLY hard toothbrush and started brushing my gum EXTREMELY HARD. The started to bleed (iknow thats bad) and she told me to rinse. I literally took like 15 minutes rinsing my mouth so that It wouldn't be bloody. Then the lady put some cheek retractors and a tongue block in my mouth. She washed them and put this blue liquid on it. It didn't taste bad, it was just really salty. I swear she left in on for maybe 15 minutes and then washed it off. Finally the doctor came and started to put on the brackets I didn't feel anything while she was putting them on. Then she told me to go rinse the glue off and it felt so weird having the brackets on. Then they put on the wire and they clipped it real nice. The lady said I couldn't eat any hard candy and stuff like that. Then she told me to pick a color for the ligs and since it was all new I picked silver so it wouldn't show as much. He put the ligs on and it felt like she was cutting the wire. I flinched the whole time. At last I had a mouth full of metal and a goody bag of stuff. My next appointment isn't until May 16 and I hope by then my teeth have shifted at least a little. I kept taking pills to alleviate the pain and I did some salt water rinses to help. Now here are my braces and all the stuff they gave me. (The pictures were taken 2 days later March 15, 2013)
1st picture is of my teeth.
2nd picture is of the stuff they gave me.
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